We live in a rapidly changing world where best practices in the website design industry change to match the demands of users.

Here are four best practices widely used to keep you ahead of the curve and on the cutting edge of web design.

1. Responsive Design

Responsive website design responds to its environment. Given the number of technology devices that people use to access a website, having a responsive design is critical. There are also a number of browsers and platforms that are used. A responsive design makes the page look great, regardless of the size. In other words, the page will look great on a full-size PC screen, a netbook, a tablet, an iPad, or a smartphone.

2. Fonts Matter

Readability is key to the success of any website. The font size and style, as well as white space between words, are all important components of improving readability. Helvetica continues to be the most overused font, but for good reason. It is easy to read, works well in multiple sizes, and works for various designs. You may choose to use a different typeface, which is fine, so long as it allows for excellent readability.

3. Huge Images

Using large background images in web design is extremely effective and will continue. Some designers are using the images solely on the homepage or landing pages as “hero images”. Other designers are choosing to use full, vivid background images throughout their websites to entice the viewer. Pictures are worth a thousand words and this holds more true now more than ever, as on-the-go users prefer images over lengthy text.

4. Scrolling is the New Clicking

With the increased use of smartphones, tablets, and iPads comes the demand for sites that can be scrolled, rather than clicked. Scrolling is easier for mobile users than trying to get fingers on the exact spot to click onto a link. Furthermore, scrolling eliminates load time between pages.

This does not negate the importance of having links within pages if there are decisions to be made. The fact a user clicks a link indicates the interest that will lead to a decision. If the content requires the user to make a decision, clicks are important. If it is merely a blog, scrolling is the trend users desire.

How does your website compare when it comes to these best practices?

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